Monday, November 20, 2006

Race Day

Just a few quick thoughts on a few different issues.

Blood is a big deal in the native community; it is the source of a governmental policy that retains the full backing of Native Communities. It is an explicit-exclusionary policy vs my thoughts that it should be a quasi-inclusionary policy.

My father once said something that I agree with; 'In 10000 years, if there is one Native person still remaining in Canada/USA with even an ounce of Native blood running through their veins; then that person retains the right to rise up and overthrow the government.' To my father, time was inconsequential to the absolute rights that the Natives hold, and I agreed.

The current policies are designed to ensure that someday there will be only one remaining native in Canada/USA.

Race in General
Every community is racist or bigoted, even- maybe even most especially- internally.


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