An Old Article - originally published at
Congratulations, Now You Own It!Commentary by Garfield Jones
November 4, 2004
Congratulations are in order to the American right for winning yet another national election. Conservatives and Republicans have this election thing down to a science and continue their ‘schooling’ of Democrats in a third straight election. They are connecting with America on a visceral level while the Democrats keep attempting to connect on a cerebral one- I wonder if Democrats have now figured out which one works?
Now, there are certain aspects of the election, which stink to high hell, but those issues are irrelevant. The Democrats need to learn certain lessons from that other competitive world, sports, where the motto is, ‘to be the champs, you gotta beat the champs!’ This is especially true in sports where judging of some sort is required; the close ones always go to the current reigning champ. Democrats and liberals have to face it, G.W. Bush and his NeoConservative/Republican base are the champs, and to beat them, they need to regroup, rethink, and react.
In any case for all those who know me and have read my work in the past- and have branded me a liberal - I have a deal, the same deal I offered to my Conservative friends; a truce. Here it is: from here on in, no more excuses! From here on in, Conservative/Republicans must take complete ownership for whatever occurs. There is to be no more blaming of Clinton and, no more blaming the Democrats!
If the economy completely tanks, do not blame Liberals/Democrats! If international affairs spiral out of control, do not blame Liberals/Democrats! If poverty escalates, do not blame Liberals/Democrats! If pollution levels become unbearably high and your children need to wear masks to go outside, do not blame Liberals/Democrats! If crime skyrockets, do not blame Liberals/Democrats!
If you lose a part of your body or your life to a product that is knowingly defective, and you find yourself with no recourse, do not blame Liberals/Democrats! If the sky should fall, do not blame Liberals/Democrats! It is yours now. With your votes and with your voices- you have bought it, you now own it.
With the house firmly in Republican hands; with the senate firmly in Republican hands; with the judiciary firmly in Republican hands; and with the Presidency firmly in Republican hands there is no more blame to pass around. Should everything go all to hell by 2008, remember how you got there and accept complete responsibility for the choices you made in 2004. Also, do not be fooled again if the people that have broken it tell you they are the only ones qualified to fix it.
On the flip side, for all the Liberals/Democrats out there, if the next four years produce the best economy in the last 100 years, give credit where credit is due. If the world becomes more peaceful, more harmonious, and safer, give credit where credit is due, vote Republican in 2006 and especially in 2008. None of it may happen, things may get worse, but give Bush a chance to disappoint the 59 million that voted for him. If he does not, then a few million of the 55 million that did not vote for him should jump on the Conservative/Republican juggernaught.
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