Michael Steele
More relevant evidence that America has matured from her toddler stage and is now entering her pre-teen years. First Obama now this from the Republican party, picking a Black man to run the party! My My My, what fruits shall this tree bore?Why might it be a bigger statement of America's evolving face? Because, the Democrats choosing a Black man to lead the party is one thing; but the Democrats have always been cast as the party of the minority coalitions after they cast off their white hoods and cloaks.
Conservatives and Republicans however were stuck in a rut. They fully embraced all the buzz words of White supremacy; state's rights, southern pride, smaller government (euphimism for no government intrusion into my rights to segregate)...at least it was seen as such. They visited Bob Jones University with malicious contempt, they flew the stars and bars with utter arrogance, they embraced and encouraged a dying dead ideal that America was in its infancy.
They surrounded themselves with people who clung to belief that people may not be property but they should be marginalized, ghettoized and given limited opportunity to succeed. They hated the idea of co-mingling, they hated the idea of inter-racial, they hated the idea of equality.
Now with this news, it may once again be possible for Blacks to take Conservatives and Republicans at face value when they say that they believe in complete equality, that they believe in States rights provided it does not impose upon human rights. It's possible to believe that smaller government and personal responsibility are no longer code words for something sinister. It's possible to believe that they support full civil rights for all.
Mind you, the election of one Black man does not change all minds in one day, but it's a good start on the road to reformation of a once proud party that stood for equality and freedom for all God's children.